Post-Trial Interviews

Post-trial Interviews are conducted with trial jurors after the trial is over. Usually using a combination of juror contact information provided by the jurors and telephone numbers gleaned from public records, we contact jurors and ask that they provide us feedback on the trial. A protocol for the interview is developed beforehand. We ask about feedback on crucial issues and evaluation of key testimony, evidence, and graphics. We also ask questions about the deliberation process to see what appealed to both friendly and adverse jurors. We are able to home in on elements that drove the deliberation process at key decision points.

This service is most often used by clients who have serial litigation (e.g., toxic torts). This allows counsel to evaluate and hone various approaches and arguments to be used in the next trial. Post-trial Interviews are also used by trial attorneys who would just like to know in detail what jurors thought of the case.

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