Statement of Purpose
To improve the quality of information that clients use to make litigation & trial decisions.
To improve the strategic positioning of the case for settlement & trial.
To improve the quality of counsel’s case communication effectiveness.
Richard Gabriel, President
Over the past nearly 40 years, Decision Analysis has successfully worked on about 2,000 cases and over a thousand jury research exercises across the country in most types of litigation. We have written two widely used books on jury selection and high-profile criminal cases and dozens of articles on trial communication, persuasion, and strategy. Decision Analysis has worked on some the highest profile cases in the country, including the O.J. Simpson, Casey Anthony, Aaron Hernandez, Phil Spector, Enron, and the Whitewater trials. We have trained thousands of attorneys in jury selection and trial communication skills. Decision Analysis has been at the cutting edge of developing innovative tools for lawyers and the courts, founding the Online Courtroom Project and inventing Jury Mediations. We have worked closely with the ABA, ABOTA, the National Center for State Courts, and other major organizations on court innovations and jury bias initiatives.
“By reputation, one of the best trial consultants in the country.”
— CBS News
- Focus groups
- Mock trials
- Venue surveys
- Arbitration/judicial research
- Post-trial interiews
- Witness preparation
- Story & theme development
- Graphics
- Crisis communication
- Jury selection
- Questionnaire/voir dire design
- Mirror juries
- In-court monitoring
- Case analysis
- Damages evaluation
- 8-Step case story development
- Trial mapping
- Plaintiff case structure
- Defense case structure
- Mediation/arbitration strategy
Featured Press

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